Jayleden Miles was on hand to oversee everything again. I can't imagine how hectic organizing us must have been. Caledonians herd about as well as cats on the best days. So thank, Jay.
In any case, with honor on the line and good cards in my hand I proceeded to poke people with my trusty Thread of Fate, provided courtesy of Got Leib? Productions. This time I wasn't going to settle on a bronze and managed to come back with the Gold!
Vorwoda Hawksby, but I figured I would get a few shots in, too, before taking my esteemed co-champions Stereo Nacht (silver) and Darlingmonster Ember (bronze) somewhere a little more. . .Mature rated for a shot for this blog.
After that, it was off for drinks at the Green Fairy. Loyal readers will be happy to know that all three of us hit it off swimmingly. You can expect to see these champions working together more in the future. Ms. Nacht has invited the rest of us to practice at Transylvania Polytechnic with her team (but more on that later). She's clearly the intellectual of the three of us but she was a surprisingly good sport when it came time for the obligatory nude shot. I expect the sepia print version will be showing up in back rooms in Caledon and new Babbage soon.
We've really got a sort of naked Three Muskateers thing going. This was the real victory, not the medal but two great friends I can cross swords with again.
Just about the time things were wrapping up, I got word of a Queen of Hearts masqued dance over at the Bashful Peacock, where Jay was yet again helping oversee the event.
Deciding to ride my fifteen minutes of fame I promptly made my way over there to meet the Caledonians. One of the very first people I ren into was Ms. Nacht's boss, one KlausWulfenbach Outlander. He prompty decided I was a long lost cousin and seemed quite eager to have the three champions practicing at his place (TPU - Transylvania Polytechnic University). There was much dancing and flirting to follow, including a reuinion with old friend Ceidru Gothly of Hare Courture.
After making a bit of a spectacle of myself (all part of the fun), I was able to approach no less than the Queen of Hearts herself for a dance. There were quite a few gasps at my forwardness but she delighted me by agreeing and proved a lovely dance partner until the last song.
Side note - I would love to post url links to all of the above places and people but Blogspot really hates the SLURL format. An in-world search for capitalized terms should do just fine.
News flash - just as I was finishing up, our oil paintings arrived. Here it is.
A fine day for me!